I personally think every rapper in the game now should be paying homage and giving some form of royalty to the legendary RUN DMC! Am talking about the now REV RUN, Darryl McDaniels the DMC and the late JAM MASTER JAY! Yes! If not for these guys i don't think Hip Hop would be were it is today, i don't think any individual or group put as much work as much as these guys did to the success of rap music. When you hear people call them the kings, believe me they have earned the title from hard work and dedication to Hip Hop. Back in the 80's when you mention Rap music, you definitely mean Run DMC, they dominated the 80's and conquered the 90's when they dropped ''Down With The Kings'' One of the classics of that era and till date the song remains evergreen with a unique sound and vocal delivery that makes you think the song was released just yesterday. Run DMC rocked the world, they did it all, if you know Hip Hop and you know these men then you already know that rappers are just trying to re-invent everything they have done already, there is really nothing new in Hip Hop, thanks to the Kings, they moved Hip Hop and rap music away from the funk and disco-oriented sound it started with to the sound we now identify as Hip Hop beats today, they changed the style the way rappers present themselves from wearing flashy attires to the what is now the traditional Hip Hop appearance of Jeans,sneakers, jackets and big chains. They changed the stage appearance of Hip Hop from Rappers having live bands to having a DJ set up on stage with Jam Master Jay behind the turntables doing what he knows best, Spinning!. To cap it all, Run DMC originated ROCK RAP. and set the ball rolling for acts like Rage Against the Machine, KoRn, Sublime, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park. Run DMC is the most influential rap group in the history of Hip Hop, What Hip Hop is today is the trend that Run DMC set since 1981, they are credited for transforming Hip Hop from an underground street sensation to a pop-culture phenomenon, In honor of the awareness they gave Adidas sneakers, Adidas has a special line with the RUN DMC logo on it. They are Hip Hop Personified, everything Hip Hop stands for now is what they defined with their personalities, no other rap act come close to their historic achievements being the first to achieve various awards including being the first rappers to be nominated for a Grammy.They influenced every other rapper that came after them, RUN DMC is the greatest name that Hip Hop ever produced, they are Hip Hop in its every definition.
Its quite unfortunate that legends don't get the adequate homage they deserve, humans live for the moment and hype only what is trending, but those of us who know the journey Hip Hop has traveled know that Run DMC was the major vessel that transported Hip Hop to its present glory and they are responsible for branding what we now call Hip Hop Culture. I don't know about you, but am still down with the Kings, am honored to write about such great men that defined a lifestyle, a culture, a religion, a movement and a music we know as Hip Hop.